Quick Server Performance Benchmark Tools
| |These two free tools allow you to conduct quick test on your server to easily find out its general info and performance. This can be a quick solution to answer your curiosity of a server / VPS you’ve just purchased.
1. FreeVPS.us Benchmark Script
This script is the one I see a lot in many forums and blogs. By issuing a one-liner command you can fetch quick information about your server including CPU Model, number of cores, CPU frequency, total amount of RAM, SWAP, system uptime and of course perform quick test of download speed as well as I/O speed. The command to use this script is below:
wget freevps.us/downloads/bench.sh -O - -o /dev/null|bash
here’s an example of my VPS from latest VPSDime’s promo:
Created by Rafa Marruedo, vHWINFO is just similar tool but it only performs one download speed test which is from CacheFly. Also, the last time I use it shows I/O speed as well but lately the result doesn’t show up. The script you can use is:
wget –no-check-certificate https://vhwinfo.com/vhwinfo.sh -O - -o /dev/null|bash
or use this if that one is not working…
wget --no-check-certificate https://github.com/rafa3d/vHWINFO/raw/master/vhwinfo.sh -O - -o /dev/null|bash
Again, here’s example of what I tested my vps from VPSDime:
and this one from RamNode
That’s it.
However those two tools are not the only script to perform benchmark but I consider it as the quickest and simplest available. If you want to, you can perform more comprehensive benchmark using ServerBear script or do the network speed test or I/O speed test manually. Feel free to add another similar tool. Gracias,..
Thanks Bu .. sangat membantu check vps yg low end bagus 😀
Many thanks, Mom, Very usefully
Cuman sering pakai cara satu karena lebih banyak yang indikator yang dipakai.
couldn’t agree more
Thanks for thise tools. Just shared. Also for benchmarking of disk, cpu and memory checkout:
vwhinfo doesn’t exist anymore ? 🙁