How to Add New Website on Vesta CP
| |Previously on ServerMom we’ve learned how easy it is to install VestaCP on a VPS. So this article is the next guide about how to use Vesta CP to host a website on a VPS, even on a low end VPS. So I will not talk about what’s Vesta CP is, you can get that basic information on my previous tutorial.
Basic step by step guide how to setup and use Vesta CP to host websites on VPS.
Very first step before any other steps is “to loggin to Vesta Control Panel”:
Open your VPS IP with port 8083 via https://.
then login as Admin:
A. Basic Setup
Some necessary steps to do after installing VestaCP:
1. Change default admin password:
Once logged in, click the “Admin” link in top right-hand corner of your screen. The one beside Log out in top of Backup menu.
Now you’ll enter the “Editing User” page which you can change your password there. This is necessary so you can easily remember your own Admin password. Just make sure to use strong combination.
2. Define Your Main Nameserver
Scroll down that page a bit and you’ll see other options. Feel free to adjust those options but for me I better leave that as default except the “Default Name Servers” part. Change this part to your own main NS for your domain.
once done, hit the Save button.
3. Adjust Hosting Packages Configuration
Click on the “Packages” link on the top left-hand corner of the screen (above Vesta logo). For your information, “Packages” is a feature on Vesta that serves as “Hosting Plans” which you usually see on many web hosting company sites. In that Packages page you can adjust some necessary limitations / features of a plan which can be assigned to a user.
** pic is a bit long so I put thumbnail. Click on it to see full size.
For example, we can configure the “Default” plan to have how many domains, sub-domains, databases, backups, cron jobs, how much disk space and bandwidth will be allocated, and so on.
It means you can create your own hosting plans.
B. Add New Website
So here it is the time to add our new website / domain. First, click on the “WEB” menu and you’ll see default.domain is already there.
You can delete it by clicking the delete link next to it.
It will then ask for confirmation. Simply hit OK.
Next, add our new website by clicking “Add Web Domain” button.
Now enter your domain name there. You can also assign custom IP address (if your vps has more than one IPs). As my website will be a simple WordPress blog, so I leave other options by default.
There are Advanced options hidden, click on it if you wish to change some advanced configurations including Aliases, will you use Nginx or not, SSL support, Web Statistics enabled or not, Statistic Authorization and additional FTP. Adjust as you like.
Once done, hit the Save button.
C. Editing DNS
Once you’ve added a new domain (as explained above), your domain will also appear in the DNS section. So click on it to see its configuration and entries.
You’ll see all available (added) domains there.
You can see all automatically added DNS entries by clicking “list of x records” link of that domain. x represents the numbers of available entries.
What you can do with each domain are: See the list of DNS records, Add new DNS record, Edit DNS configuration, and Delete. The Suspend menu only available for Admin.
Ok, I am a newbie, and this is my very first time using Vesta and my very first time adding new website to my Vesta vps. What should I do?
Nothing. All default configurations are setup once you added a new website. Without adding or editing anything in your DNS your DNS is ready to use. But in this DNS page you can see all your DNS settings. So what you should also do is to see all available records just for your own review (or learning).
How can add new DNS entry?
Simply the “Add new record” link. The “Adding DNS Record” page is really easy to understood. Example:
D. Add New MYSQL Database
Most of recent scripts and CMS are using database to store its data. You can see all available MySQL datyabases by clicking DB menu.
In that DB page you can see all available databases. As for this guide, lets start adding a new database. Click on the “Add Database” button.
Now go ahead add your database and also database user and its password. Note: Prefix username_ will be automatically added to database name and database user (example: admin_).
In that example then my database name is “admin_wordpress”, my DB user is “admin_johndoe” and the password is as shown in screenshot ^_^.
That’s it so now you add manage your database via PHPMYADMIN by clicking “Open phpMyAdmin” link.
phpMyAdmin interface should appear in a new browser Tab / Window. You have to login using your just created database username and password.
E. Uploading Website Content to VPS
So you now have DNS and MySQL database setup and ready. Next, lets upload all files of websites. FYI: Vesta CP doesn’t have File Manager (may be yet) and also no support for third-part module or plugin line zPanel with its Ajaxplorer File Manager. So the only way you upload your web files is via FTP which is handled by vsFTPd.
First, go to WEB then click Edit link of the domain name you like to add new FTP user.
then tick the Additional FTP option and enter your FTP username and password. Note: a prefix username_ will be automatically added, in my case is admin_.
Once done, hit the Save button. Now you can use your favorite FTP client like Filezilla to upload your files. Use your VPS IP as Host at port 21.
That’s it. See? How easy it is to use Vesta CP. Enjoy..
Do not hesitate to leave comment below 🙂
Hi Sawiyati, thanks for your post – it’s the first I’ve come across to help people like me over the bridge of VPS newb into self-actualized server admins… hope to see more. I’m looking to get off of managed hosting, and know enough to know I barely know what I’m doing.
I’ve gotten a DigitalOcean starter plan, threw Vesta CP on there and have successfully logged into the default domain FTP,but I wish to be able to access other domain’s FTP’s as I create them: how to go about this if you know?
You can simply repeat section “E. Uploading Website Content to VPS” for each of your website / domain 🙂
Hi Sawiyati,
Thanks very much for your effort with this blog. I admit, I would not have guessed that an at-home Mom would be passionate about geeky things like server administration – AND able to explain it to others! 🙂
I have some experience with Cpanel, and Virtualmin / Webmin (GPL). Cpanel is what people typically to get exposure to when they first go online, so other even when other panels cost “zero”, there is still a cost in terms of time –and learning curve pain– to switch over.
Virtualmin / Webmin is powerful, but feels awkward and not-so-intuitive. I tried zPanel but threw it out since it didn’t seem to be actively updated (and the developer seemed to not care much about security).
I saw a random reference to VestaCP which then led me to your brand new blog post on it. I installed VCP on a new VPS today, but somehow it “feels” less powerful than Virtualmin / Webmin. (For the most part, what l want is a convenient way to add domains –and subdomains for testing– and install WordPress as the web platform… maybe something like phpBB as well on rare basis.) I emphasize “convenient” as the important descriptive for the ControlPanel, since if it’s complicated to learn then nobody will use it very long…
Is my sense about Virtualmin / Webmin being “more powerful” correct? Or have I just not spent enough time yet with VestaCP? (I liked the fact that they seem to only work on the standard system files rather than MySQL db’s like the way zPanel does it.) Naturally, making a choice of CP is an important decision!
By the way, why not make some training videos? You can do that free (up to 15 minutes each) using the site. (For $15 / year for their Pro version you get a lot of video edit capabilities.) I mention it because I tend to learn better with “visual” examples. Please have a look and consider it!
Thanks for your long comment 🙂
I guess Virtualmin / Webmin is probably better than zPanel and Vesta CP, but it’s not so user friendly for noob 😀
*just my 2 cents
I will consider to make videos showing some tutorials, I will take a look screencast-o-matic. Currently considering these 5 free screen recorded apps (
Good page
Your site has been crazy helpful. Thank you, Thank you.
I do have one question. Can you elaborate at all on nameserver serttings? Under section two of your article you state “Change this part to your own main NS for your domain.”. I need some more guidance on that, if you could.
Do I CREATE nameservers? Do I buy that service? My VPS host doesn’t have one, like digital ocean does. I guess I’m asking, “what are the steps just before “NS69.SERVERMOM.COM”.
Do I CREATE nameservers?
Just if you want to.
Just go to your domain registrar (GoDaddy, NameCheap, Name, etc) and create two nameserver entries. Just make up ones 🙂 it can be either ns1 and or and (it’s absolutely up to you) then add your VPS ip for each NS. How to do that? That depends on which registrar you registered your domain at.
Once you did that, proceed with the tutorial above at section two in the part you mentioned.
Do I buy that service?
No, your registrar should provide that feature.
My VPS host doesn’t have one, like digital ocean does.
It doesn’t have to has DNS management feature. That’s why you create your own NS so you will use DNS server installed on your VPS (by Vesta CP). So your domain NS will be custom (the ones you made, as I explained in above comment).
To sum it up:
Regarding Nameserver, there are two options you can choose:
1. To use your own custom NS.
This requires you to:
A. Install DNS server in your VPS (included in Vesta CP)
B. Register the nameserver at your domain Registrar
2. To use third-party NS
This doesn’t require A & B above, just use any third-part DNS server you want like:
A. From your domain registrar (GoDaddy and Namecheap have this feature)
B. From your VPS provider (Like DigitalOcean)
C. ANy third-party DNS providers: Check this DNS servers collection.
I hope that helps 🙂
Thanks for this great tutorial . I already test almost all Free CP included Kloxo zPanel Webmin/Virtualmin ,
And this is the best so far . I never succeed adding my domains easy as I did in vestacp .
I see it as perfect solution to host your own sites . not for clients for what I look at it today .
I wounder about adding more users and make VPS server looks like shared host is it possible . I know their is WHMS module but i never test .
Vestacp looks very promising to be be free alternative for Cpanle but need few more feature like file manger and make their GUI more friendly specially if you want run shared host and the users not get lost in configuration .
You are great. Thank you so much for your site. It really helps.
Last question. There is a SOA field within VESTA. I’m not totally clear on what that means or what to put there. I am thinking it might have something to do with why all my emails from the email server Vesta establish get assumed to be spam by Gmail.
What Vesta did each time you add new website is also to create all necessary DNS records for your zone so you can simply leave default created ones as it is. Regarding Gmail spam detection, I don’t have any clue about what’s criteria used by Google to mark a message as spam. It can be also a blacklisted IP, some words in the message, etc.
However, if you want to know more about SOA, this and this may help you.
Why not a tutorial about “How to Install DNS server in your VPS?” 😀
Is VistaCP support wildcard subdomain?
I’m currently using zpanelCP, but i didn’t find any documentation to set up wildcard
How do I setup a subdomain?
Would you mind creating tutorial on how can we possibly put ssl certificate so we can cater https on our website, not in the control panel.
I researched about it but I found no luck.
Cheers to you, I found this very helpful since this is my first time to setup using VestaCP. As I always use Webuzo by Softaculous but I also failed to put ssl for my site.
Sorry, I re-posted my comment again as I don’t see it in this blog post.
If my first comment is already in there you just delete this. I just make sure you receive my comment. Sorry.
Would you mind creating tutorial on how can we possibly put ssl certificate so we can cater https on our website, not in the control panel.
I researched about it but I found no luck.
Cheers to you, I found this very helpful since this is my first time to setup using VestaCP. As I always use Webuzo by Softaculous but I also failed to put ssl for my site.
I never delete any non-spam comment but all comments are waiting for approval. I’ll put that it my consideration list 🙂 thanks for your suggestion
I’m hoping you will. Coz i’m trying to setup it using free ssl from startssl or
hey guys.. running the vesta on a vps for my boss was worried about being able to manage the server should something happen to me so this was my choice. anyways ive got a stupid question. until the site dns kicks in what would be a url where a page can be viewed on the server for an account created?
I got a VPS from DigitalOcean with a few domains on and managing it with VestaCP, is it possbile to setup another or maybe two more VPS’s from there, and conntenct them alle, so i can manage them from one CP?
I don’t think it’s possible with VestaCP, for centralized server management you should try 🙂
Solved DNS subdomain issue, hopefully this helps someone out.
This is operating under the assumption that you are using GoDaddy for domain registration and hosting, Digital Ocean VPS, Vesta successfully installed on Digital Ocean, and WordPress (3.8+) with MultiSites with subdomain on Vesta under a specified user name. This will probably work for other domain registrants and VPS hosts.
1. In GoDaddy goto DNS Manager –> Zone File Editor
2. Add an A (Host) record where “Host Name: *” and points to the IP address of your Digital Ocean VPS where Vesta and WP is installed and save
2B. You should already have an @ record in GoDaddy here that points to the same IP where Vesta and WP is located, if not create it and save.
3. Login to Vesta using the user that the domain is attached to.
4. Under “Web” edit the existing domain attached to the account.
[b]5. In the “Aliases” box add a record on the next line that is something like * and save.[/b]
6. Test WordPress by creating a new site and see if it gets automatically directed to it.
That’s a great trick. Thanks 🙂
Great trick. i know how to add * for zpanel?
Yes. Of course you can, but I suggest leaving zpanel and sentora, unsafe designs and unsupported weak community software with many old and poorly seen failures. then changed deo project name, zpanel to sentora uses vestacp, or the best and largest community virtualmin.
Sawiyati, i followed your tutorial and my website is ready in 15 mins. That’s awesome!
But i got some issues with FTP. I used the FTP function in Vesta and Filezilla to uplaod files,
but the msg:
“553 Could not create file.
Error: Critical file transfer error”
always appear. How to fix it?
Great tutorials. Just learning and switching from cPanel.
It would be nice to let us know where exactly to upload web files. After logging in to new created site and using user(not root) and filezilla as ftp client. I see four directories and some .bash files. There is no public_html directory.
the “public_html” directory in Vesta CP is located at /home/username/web/domain.tld/public_html/
Your site is one of the best I came accross to get information. It would be nice if someone does in depth solutions. Like what to select in Apache and Nginx settings to have the site working. How about if there are more than one site. Do you create a user first or the site.
Why do you need to create a user, not just the site…
No, each user can have multiple websites. If you are familiar with cPanel, you’ll understand why you need to create user. For example, you want to host your friend’s / client’s websites, so it is better to create a custom user for that person instead of using your account/username. However if you planned to use your server alone then it will no need to create additional user. Shortly, it makes you possible to sell spare space and resource of your server for rent.
Hi Sawiyati,
I’m having a bit of trouble with the DNS part of the tutorial. I don’t need to use a custom NS name, so I just pointed my Domain to & but nothing seemed to happen. Wondering by chance if you know what settings you need to put in VestaCP to get the site to show, and do I need to Add any settings in Digital Ocean’s DNS Control Panel too? Thank you! 🙂
Using any DNS manager (e.g: DigitalOcean’s) should be fine as long as your enter proper records (A record, CNAME, etc). If you think you’ve put all records correctly, then it is just a matter of time before all DNS are propagated.
Hey Sawityati, Thanks for the reply. I was able to get the domains working by setting my NameServers to &, adding them in DO’s DNS Control Panel, and then finally adding them in Vesta CP.
Thank you and looking forward to your next blog entry! 🙂
Sawiyati, first I want to thank you for providing such an informative site. this has helped greatly.
I do have a question. After the setup, the email outgoing for configuration did not work (this was a setup on DigitalOcean Ubuntu 14.04 x64.
And after setup, all worked except sending out email (creating a new email account and sending to the same account from itself worked, but no outgoing email worked — Error 550 (unverified sender) or no HELO sent are the messages generated when a new email is initiated from the server).
Any suggestions?
make sure port 25 or 465 is open in your iptables rules
somehow i cannot reach my website with www infront?
Where did that go wrong when i installed vesta?
have you put CNAME record for www and point that to your main domain
Thank you for the article, I found it very useful as I was building a test server in VMWare.
I do have a question that I may be over looking the answer to regarding MySQL databases.
In the packages, they show it as you can have a set amount of databases (10, 50, 100, etc). But I am not seeing out in the Control Panel the Packages amount correlate with the Databases that you create in the Control Panel.
As I go to add 1, 2, 3 databases I am not seeing how to assign them to a given domain or website, other than them being loosely available to anyone who knows the username and password combo.
Am I correct or not about this, or like I said did I completely miss something. I have went ahead and setup 1 database to represent the three website/domains I have setup to test with. Tomorrow I will go and install WordPress or something on each to test them out.
But was curious if there is any guidance, tutorials, articles on the connection of MySQL databases and the domains+packages.
Thanks again for your great articles, I have looked at several of them. Some that didn’t even pertain to what I was doing, just cause I was interested.
Best Regards,
I was viewing this wrong, I now see how the Databases are setup. I stayed logged into VestaCP with the Admin account instead of logging out and logging in as a given user that I setup.
The only thing I am trying to fix now is Roundcube or Email… it didn’t install any roundcube database that I can find, so no matter what I do I cannot setup email or view them thanks to connection issues. Since there is no database there is no contents in said database.
Trying to find an article about re-installing just that… but so far I am coming up with nothing.
Please read a comment from Peter Tucker at my previous post. He found out a nice workaround of RoundCube problem at Vesta CP.
Hello Sawiyati,
Thank you for the reply. I finally found it last night and have compiled my own write up (for my personally) since I setup 5x VMware Images, the 5th being the best so far.
Everything is setup and giving me no errors, the only thing that I am having problems with now is getting emails to come in or go out from the server. Currently seeing if it is the ports that I need to update and direct to the server or if there is something else I am missing. Either way Great Articles you have, give great guidance!
Voilaa,,, Im Om Zool from Indonesia 😀
If you used vestaCP as your control panel, then i can say its a good choice 😀 Based on httpd and nginx i can manage any website and any domain without any name server, Just using 1 IP included with vps,,
I was setup 4 domain with my VPS and work great, you didnt need to setup a new DNS as i knew, just use DNS Records and point that to your VPS ip, all of your domain, even you just have 1 IP,
For example this is my own domains:
and but i didnt move this domain to vps because its was hosted to blogger :p
For simply ways you can open your domain panel, (usually from WHMCS panel), leave a Name server to default, u can add DNS record as:
@ to A Address to your IP
www A Address to your IP
Just it 😀
See the domains above its was done and I have 4 domain hosted on my single VPS with 1 IP
Thanks for Samiyati,,, Kaulah Inspirasiku wkwkwkw 😀
hey Sawiyati is there any file manager yet? as that would be very useful 🙂 and sawiyati i have one more problem i am not able to make name servers ping i don’t know what’s the problem 🙁 and i need help in that
Have you register that nameserver in the registrar of your domain yet?
yes i have but still its same can you help me ?
If that the problem, it is easier to use third-party free dns and stop bind service in Vesta. It can also save some RAM of your server.
Thanks for this tutorial. I do have a question.
I have read with Vesta that you can do Server Clustering. How can I configure Server Clustering so that It will the same as Cpanel DNS-only?
I will be using this VPS to host emails only, and having Clustered DNS can be recommended in this setup.
Vesta has full DNS management support but I don’t think you can install DNS-only version of Vesta. But however you can shut unused services down. Regarding Server Clustering, it requires separate article 🙂 explaining that topic
Thanks for this valuable info.
I am new to Vesta.
How do you install SSL on the root itself, on the hostname?
So that when you login into VestCP using your hostname, it has SSL on it.
Hope you get my question.
Sawiyati, thank you very much for your blog, it’s really useful.
I have a question for you. I have a DigitalOcean droplet and I have installed VestaCP. I would use VestaCP to add new domains but I think I’m having big troubles with the DNS.
I see you have been using DigitalOcean, so let me ask you, do you use their panel for adding at least the domain? Or do you use only the configuration in the VestaCP?
I spent a lot of time trying to solve the problems with the DNS, and I’m driving crazy… Maybe you can help me?
Thank you very much.
I prefer to use installed DNS server (by VestaCP) on my vps. To do so, make sure you’ve setup / register ns1 and ns2 at your registrar. For your reference about using DNS, refer to my previous article at
I have installed SSL and it’s working as expected now.
Now, I want to ask for advice on how to secure my VPS which is running Vesta. Does CSF works fine with Vesta? I am planning to install it on this VPS.
What other recommendation you can give?
Thanks in advance.
How did you install the SSL…..I have a comodo positive SSL and i want to install it on my website?
please explain
Great tutorial.
I’m trying to use Vesta for a new VPS hosting a bunch of wordpress multisite installs.
The setup is for having several domains in each WPMU install, for hosting smaller customer’s sites. That way it’s easyer to maintain, upgrade or clone them, without duplicating WP installs. The domain redirection is managed within WP itself, using a plugin.
For that ot work, one points several domains to the same document root, just like if they were parked domains, and then the plugin handles the rest.
However, I can’t find a way to change the document root of each domain in vesta. Each new domain is assigned to it’s own home folder and I can’t find a way to point it to another folder.
I really would like to use vesta in this, so any help will be much appreciated.
thanks in advance
of course you can simply edit each domain’s virtual host file via command line (CLI) – use Putty or Terminal – then edit root directory to another one you wish.
Hi. How to add subdomain. i don’t see at zpanel.
I would like to share 2 ftp programs which works as ajaxplorer.they are very simple a single file)
Thanks. Bookmarked it for my next post 🙂
Thanks so much for sharing your great knowledge here. I’m new to vesta, and i’m ready to learn new things. I used filezilla to upload my zipped files but don’t know how to unzip them. Any help? Thank you as I await your quick response.
read my other guide:
I just have to say a massive thank you, this and a lot of your other tuts have gotten me through the day, and having followed quite a few tuts in one 24 period of mad command-line deep-ending I have to show some appreciation, as yours have been the most well thought out, carefully written, and most effective of the whole lot. Thank you!
I have followed this tutorial, really good, but I am not sure where I done a mistake when I change my DNS in the domain registration it throws me the following error “” should be in proper format. I have been trying to figure it up but still now its not working. Please help me in this Thanks a Lot.
you should change that default value to your own
Yup I have changed to my website name as created “” still I face the same error.
Now I am getting an error as invalid name server…
I have created my own naming server, does the domain registration accept this naming server ? Or I am missing any steps…
You have to register your nameserver with your domain registar.
That will be vary and depends on which registrar your domain is registered at. You can simply ask your domain registrar
Hello, I’m new to vestacp and its so good for free. But I’m having a problem since I was trying to edit something in a domain. I can’t remember why but I had added *.domain.tld along with http://www.domain.tld in ALIASES box. It saved then well. Now whatever I try to edit anything of this domain It says ‘Error: domain *.domain.tld is not valid” I cant even remove this alias. Also my ‘additional’ FTP stopped working. I cant add new ftp as well. I am not deleting the domain to re-add because it will remove all my data.
You can try to edit that value or manually edit its virtual hosts (.conf) file via command line / SSH
Your site is great source of information you are doing a great job.
I have couple of question
1. I am running home base web server with Ubuntu 14.04 with vesta cp and ispconfig.
2. I am so confuse about name server technique.
3. I don’t have static public IP i have normal Public IP assigned by my ISP.
4. I create two name server and at my registrar end.
5. How do i assign these name server to my website domain.
6. I am using cloudflare free dns account and I assign my Public IP to my domain.
7. How can I add new domain to my cpanel with my own name server or either way.
I am so confuse please help me.
First, if you use Cloudflare then you don’t need to register your own nameserver at your domain registrar (because you are using Cloudflare NS). Secondly, if you’re home connection is using Dynamic IP, then you can try another free DNS server that supports dynamic DNS like
Firstly, this is a great tutorial. It helped a lot.
However I’m facing this issue. ( a tiny one)
I had installed WordPress on Ubuntu 14.04 to run my website. Now I have installed VestaCP. SO whenever I open my domain now it shows their default index.html page.
But I want my wordpress website to show up when i open www_bizzarecreations_in and not the default Index page.
My wordpress is installed in /var/www
I do not want to move my wordpress website.
or Should I ?
First, do you mean you installed Apache + add your website (WordPress) then you install VestaCP? If so, then you should firstly backup your website, reload your VPS OS, do clean install Vesta CP then restore your website. Vesta CP is meant to be installed on fresh VPS. However, you can try follow my guide above and move all your website’s files from /var/www to /home/admin/web/domain.tld/public_html
Nop it was intalled via DO Application programme
That “WordPress on 14.04” one.
Also I intend to use cloudflare in near future. Please help me with that as well.
Kudos !
Thank you for your great post!
I have a cloud server with two disks, one for system (centos) and the other for data. I want to save all mysql data files and web sites contents to the data disk. How could I mount the data disk? How should I edit conf files?
I have successfully installed Vesta on Debian 7 in digitalocean and setup a few wordpress websites. My problem is this:
My website worked before and I use cloudflare to manage my dns, I saw that my apache2 service used a lot of memory and tried to find a way to lower it and activated phpfcgid for the website and for a few others of my websites on the same server and the good thing was that it worked and my usage in apache2 dropped, however now when navigating to my website ( I only see the default.domain page. I have tried to set the apache template back to default again but nothing changes. I even tried to suspend and unsuspend the page but that only managed to change the page viewed from default.domain page to suspended page. Need some help, I go mental soon!
hi !
good guide LIKE!
1. May i ask if Vestacp come with php-fpm 5.3/5.4 etc?
2. i want to use Varnish cache should i need to install it , OR this came with varnish, and if yes, whre is located ?
wating to your reply,
it’s your database username and password
Thanks for this great and clear tutorial for a baby boy like me!
first thanks for your guide ..
i read the guide but i using CloudFlare so i pointed the DNS of my domains to CloudFlare and from there i’m not sure what in need to do (it look different for me)
1. can you explain me how to do do that with cloudflare ?
2. if i send mail from Roundcube Webmail it’s sent directly to spam on my Gmail…
3. if i send from my email (Gmail) to the mail server (e.g: it not come to this mail..
i’m really confused and don’t know what to do
1. Using Cloudflare is easy and there is no changes on VestaCP-side
2. Make sure your IP address is not blacklisted and you’ve setup rDNS correctly
3. Make sure all DNS entries in Cloudflare are correct
Hi mom, would you tell me how to enable wildcard DNS feature in Vesta CP?
there is no one out there to help me, even Vesta forum users 🙁
please help me…
I got some issued with FTP
“553 Could not create file.
Error: Critical file transfer error”
how to fix it
Hello ServerMom I love your tutorials. I’m having massive issues setting up new sub domains. Would it be possible for you to do a tutorial?
hey, big fan of your tutorials…. do you happen to have any on adding a subdomain with VestaCP?
How can i upload a 700M data base to a new site?
Thanks for all the help!
Cheers from Portugal 🙂
Use any ftp client like Filezilla, upload the database to your server then restore it using mysql command:
mysql -u root -p[root_password] [database_name] < dumpfilename.sql
Please how do I set up SMTP MAIL SERVER using VestaCp ?
Vestca CP installation already includes SMTP (a service to send email)
Anyone please help how to use cloudflare free ssl support vesta-cp I am getting Error: SSL connect error. cloudflare ssl works fine with other panels.
Hi Sawiyati,
I’m confused to choose Vesta httpd templates?
Should I select hosting or default for my vps?
My Vps has 512mb ram and I’m going to transfer 5 wordpress client to my vps.
Personal usage should use default template 🙂
I’m sorry to ask agin I’m new to VPS and Vesta:
– Does hosting or phpcgi templates has better CPU/Ram management?
– Which templates has more benefits and help my VPS perform faster and stable?
– Should I change nginx templates too? like httpd?
– Should I reboot server after changing templates?
Thank you so much Sawiyati for helping, I’m uncertain about my settings and appreciate you for guiding me.
I’m sorry but I never compare each template so I do not know how the setup affects CPU/RAM management but I believe default template will be enough for many cases. Changing template doesn’t require reboot
Hi, please give tutorials for the procedure to forward a domain name in Vesta cpanel to another domain or url. Please this is important and the documentation on Vesta website is sparse. BTW you are doing a great job.
Thank You.
Simply add new domain name/website, go to its web directory then create a .htaccess file not put 301 redirect
Thank you for your extremely fast and accurate reply, Appreciate your effort and time put in. Please keep up the good work.
Edit: Mam can you please post a good tutorial on “how to install SSL certificate in Vesta Cpanel.”
Hello Server Mom,
Thank you for putting up this blog, i’ve been following it to setup my very first VPS server.
I have a question, i cant proceeed because of this issue. I think there’s something wrong with my dns setup.
I have a domain @ goddady.
First, i changed the dns zone HOST , i changed the ip and pointed it to my VPS.
Second, i registered to cloudflare and added my domain, i added the A name C name, then Clouflare gave me two dns which are
Third, i went back to godaddy and changed my nameserver and use those two from cloudflare.
Setup, Vesta CP. On the part add domain i changed my dns server used those clouflare nameserver. After adding those my site works but then after a couple of minutes it shows ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVE.
Also, in VESTA CP DNS , my SOA is. then when i click “list records” i can see both at the bottom, it looks fine for me.
Please help.
well basically if you use third-party DNS manager (e.g: Cloudflare) then the DNS server comes with Vestacp is unused which mean you can simply stop its service (stop BIND) and use whatever DNS manager your wish
salam…thanks for great tutor mba sawiyati.
I am newbie here.
I have tried to edit DNS configuration via root centos 6 although my VPS has Vesta panel.
I have crash my VPS last note because of ifdown Ethernet device.
my site already can show up and website install well but only can be open using IP..such as
if I open my it can not be show up.
FYI I have registered and at my namecheap registrar. And its confirmed OK.
When I restart named.conf using root in cents 6. It was error with message ns1. xxxx not recognized…. etc etc….
please kindly advice how to configure DNS so my website can be accessed by type not just an IP?
Thanks for advance!
1. You can simply use third-pary DNS hosting like CLouDns or Cloudflare, or..
2. Double-check all your Vesta configuration. VestaCP usually just works out of the box meaning all settings will be simple. As long as you’ve setup everything correctly then that kind of error wouldn’t happen
I changed the password for a super strong, but not much good, use the admin User on any system is the worst idea! super insecure, vulnerable, such as changing the name of admin User which is the admin / root default vestaCP system? .. not recommend anyone to use vestacp with a User name “admin”
Hi, first, thank you for your tutorial, very handy..
I installed Vestacp in a VPS, just started “using” a VPS, many years with shared hosting, and i want to set the DNS of the server right.
I tried doing it myself with no luck, maybe you can help me.
Some info,
VPS hostname is: server.chi…
This is the NS1,NS2 that i got from the server company
ns1.chi… –
ns2.chi… –
The domain chi… is registered at 1&
I created a web site on my server , domain that is registered at
I want to properly setup the dns,ns1,ns2 on 1and1, Godaddy, to access by domain (
the site hosted in server.chi…
In Godaddy I created a hostname record,>> server.chi…
An A record @
But when i tried to create my NS1,NS2 nameservers ns1.chi… and NS2.chi… or ns1.chi… – and
ns2.chi… – i got:
“you must enter a registered nameserver”
What I need to change in site of my chi… VPS domain
and In site of web site domain to point to chi…
Could you tell me what’s the correct way to do it?
Thank You for your help
Sorry if duplicate.
Hi, first, thank you for your tutorial, very handy..
I installed Vestacp in a VPS, just started “using” a VPS, many years with shared hosting, and i want to set the DNS of the server right.
I tried doing it myself with no luck, maybe you can help me.
Some info,
VPS hostname is: server.chi…
This is the NS1,NS2 that i got from the server company
ns1.chi… –
ns2.chi… –
The domain chi… is registered at 1&
I created a web site on my server domain that is registered at
I want to properly setup the DNS,ns1,ns2 on 1and1, and Godaddy, to access by domain (
the site hosted in server.chi…
In Godady I created a hostname record,>> server.chi…
An A record @
But when i tried to create my NS1,NS2 nameservers ns1.chi… and NS2.chi… or ns1.chi… – and
ns2.chi… – i got:
“you must enter a registered nameserver”
What I need to change in site of my chi… VPS
and In site of web site domain to point to chi…
Could you tell me what’s the correct way to do it?
Thank You for your help
Anyone can make a tutorial setting up a vestacp with the included scripts or just one of the included scripts but i have not seen anyone proof that things like mail works in different ways after i run 3 setups to have my mail working from both WordPress and the webmail for both incomming and outgoing mails. And it did not work out althougn i did everything exactly as described and last time i even not installed a firewall.
So maybe that was an idea i don’t waste more time following tutorials and guides that are not proofed to work by video or pictures.
Are you on a VPS that has less than 1GB? That is the only reason I’ve ever had issues with VestaCP mail. (Well that and spam because I didn’t install spamassassin)
Try the VestaCP forums for more detailed info. They are pretty active. The mail setup in my experience has been pretty turnkey minus customization of roundcube and SPAM settings.
Oh maybe thats the reason 🙂
It is a small VPS so i must a 1gb trafic port?
CPU: two cores
6 GB RAM (guaranteed)
500 GB disk space (SSD-boosted)
SSD boost
Our excellent upstreams are providing a low latency and fast transfer rate even at high traffic.
UNLIMITED traffic !*
100 Mbit/s port
However i solved by buying a email hosting for the domain, thanks for your reply, and sorry for my negative comment the other day.
I really tried 3-5 tutorials setting it up and was not able to get it to work
Well to be honest, if you struggled getting it set up with or without this tutorial, then you’d probably have a real uphill battle managing it.
I do think you should write a tutorial and make videos of your work-around. Free advice to others who have similar issues that you faced could really help the community! 🙂
do you know how I update disk on user?
today has Disk:80.00 gb and it is full. I update and now has 100 but on user panel show 80.00 and full.
where I update?
I use centOS.
Why i cant still access
( is
i cant figure out what i missed
have you registered your NS1 and NS2 at your domain registrar?
Hi mom mam…great tuts as always…can make a tut on setting pretty permalinks on wordpress when Nginx with FPM on Vesta CP….plzzzzz
Just choose WordPress in vestacp template
hi and tnx for all your good info
i have a question
i just configured vestacp control panel and uploaded wordpress into my public_html through a ftp client.
ive done all dns sconfige etc
but now when i type my domain in firefox browser
nothing comes up
i see nothing
can anyone please help me
i am frustrated
where is the problem?
have you set up your domain NS? and have you registered your own NS1 and NS2 at your domain registrar?
Hello,first i must tell you thank you for sharing knowing. I have same problem like this man, setup everything, create ftp account and upload all WordPress files, but when i open website i get this error ” 404
Page Not Found
It seems that the page you were trying to reach does not exist anymore, or maybe it has just moved. You can start again from the home or go back to previous page.”
Can you write about how to uninstall vestacp.
hi and tnx for all your good info
i have a question
i just configured vestacp control panel and uploaded wordpress into my public_html through a ftp client.
ive done all dns sconfige etc
but now when i type my domain in firefox browser
nothing comes up
i see nothing
can anyone please help me
i am frustrated
where is the problem?
try restarting both nginx and apache and set up a proper file permission and ownership. However, before doing that, try ping your domain using services like and make sure it returns with correct IP address
Good article. I’m dealing with many of these issues as well..