Basic Configuration for CentOS Web Panel (CWP)
| |So you installed CWP and what’s next? Here it is several initial configurations for newly installed CentOS Web Panel on your server. I believe without doing these, you will not be able to host your websites on it. Read on.
First thing first, install CWP and login to CWP dashboard as root or a user with root privilege via http://your-ip:2030
1. Setup Nameservers
Name servers (NS) are often called DSN servers, every web site has two name servers to which it is pointed. Setting up NS must be done at both domain registrar and hosting account (server-end). In CWP you can define your default NS by going to DNS Functions >> Edit Nameservers IPs. Enter your desired Nameservers and put your server’s IP next to each followed by clicking Save Changes button. See illustration below:
Once done, you’ll see this message:
Now do not forget to register those two NameServers (NS) to your domain registrar. Consult directly to your domain registrar if you confused on how to set it up.
2. Setup Shared IP
This is very needed. However if you forgot this step then you’ll not be able to host your websites on your server. Yet, even you typed your VPS IP on browser, it will load nothing / inaccessible. This step is also necessary if you have two or more free IPs on your sever so you can define any specific IP of your server to use with ant other users (think as Shared hosting).
Go to CWP Settings then Edit Settings.
Enter your current server IP or free unused IP. Leave Apache port to 80 by default because we don’t have Varnish activated yet. Do not forget to enter your valid email address in the Root Email field.
After clicking the Save Changes button, you’ll see a message similar to this:
3. Setup A Hosting Package
A hosting package is basically just like a web hosting plan you see in many providers. A hosting package contains limitations to resources like Disk space, Bandwidth quota, number of domains / subdomains allowed, etc. Still in CWP, go to Packages and Add a Package. Next, give that package a name and define several limitations followed by clicking the Create button.:
Once done, you’ll just see a message saying Data Updated!
4. Create a User Account
Think your root user (admin) is an account to access WHM so it has ability manage all cPanel accounts (user). Now, create a user account for your own. You’ll use that user to add your domains /websites on your hosting server. Go to User Accounts menu then click New Account. Fill in all necessary fields and options.
Enter your main domain in the Domain field. You may change other options or simply leave as it is (default). Once done, click the Create button. In the next page, you’ll see a custom Virtual Hosts file generated for that domain followed by account details.
That’s it. Now each time you want to add new website as new domain or addon domain, you can choose whether to create new account or simply use your newly created account.
5. Install Softaculous
This is optional but I believe you and your users may need it. Softaculous, a one-clik script installer. You can install this popular script installer software in CWP with only one click-away. Just go to Script Installer > Script Manager > then click the Install Softaculous button.
You’ll then see this message:
Installing Softaculous in background (check back in 5-10 minutes if softaculous is installed, log file: /var/log/softaculous-installer.log) If the installation fails, you can try to install it manually using command: /usr/local/src/ --quick
If you refresh your browser and the installation is done, you may notice new menu added in the bottom left corner:
That’s all what I think few basic configs for newly installed CWP. Any suggestion? Do not hesitate to tip me.
Please MOM ican’t instal any panel on my centos vps can you help me install ? If you can i would post my IP, USER NAME and PASSWORD please reply me
hi mom, i just wanna ask, if i wanna make setting and ns2.prbw,net, do i set in cwp only or both? i’m confused
yes, you have to setup the NS at both CWP and your domain registrar
Do not leave ports open to the panel
thx for the tip
What you mean with”Do not leave ports open to the panel” is there any security problem?
Hi Mom,
By default created users have their public_html in home folder (/home/USER/public_hmtl).
How can i change de default public_html to another place?
I want to create an user and the the public_hmtl be in /var/www/USER/public_html
Hello, wish you could create a step article setting (cota and security) in the CWP panel
Please let me see how to config cwp to send & receive email. Thanks
thx for the article mom 🙂
but mom iam really confused on name servers setup 🙁
where to get ns1 and ns2 as shown in your screen shot 🙁
in my panel its pointed to some thing like that :-
sorry for noobish question .. beacause i dont know much about this 🙂 i learnt all that linux command just because of your site 🙂
thanks mom , your all article help to finally install a vps server 😀
I clicked the Softaculous and gave it overnight to install and it still is not showing up in the menu. Will the option only show up for users or should it be there for root?
I believe ability to install a feature is only available for root user
In CWP DNS Functions there is “Free DNS Manager” which opens an iframe to and there are the other options “Edit”, “Add” “List” DNS that look like they are using Bind. Do all of these work together somehow or is “Free DNS Manager” a separate option to use if we don’t want to use bind?
Free DNS Manager is some kind like third-party DNS Manager.
Hello Sawiyati,
I do not ge.t into the control panel with IP..
Server IP: |
Shared IP: 94.123.57.**
(I use static IP)
I have installed on my second computer in my home.. How can I fix? Thank you
Check your Apache virtual host configuration, in which IP it is running
Hello ,
Sawiyati , its a great post i followed your step but my domain not working .. but is accessible via web browser i mean is not accessible buy in same domain is accessible . what mistake i do ….and i go to my registrar NameCheap and put as Domain Name Server/// Please Help
have you register those NS1 and NS2 at Namecheap? Doublecheck your DNS configuration
should i need to register as a nameserver or should i need to add A record as ns1 & ns2 from dns manager
In Edite server names em CWP: I do not understand what should I use in server names … would be because I have the CWP on my VPS who owns that DNS? or do a dns with my domain? helpe me. I can not do anything work, or emails. and IP. I coloqueo my fixed IP my VPS? I repeat it in IP: my fixed ip vps? IP: fixed ip my vps AGAIN !?
I use ifconfig on Linux terminal: inet addr: Bcast: (values fakes)
which of these two IP I use? and I must repeat it in two domain names ?!
I can create IP of my mind, randon?
Enter entry in DNS Functions> List DNS Zones>
Enter this 2 lines in the end.
ns1 IN A
ns2 IN A
Replace and with your IP
as well as your IP ?! IP my VPS I see in digitalocean? or my ip internet?
ifconfig in the terminal:
inet addr: Bcast:
inet addr: my ip VPS
calm: IP values fake, i modify to post here.
It is for me to repeat the same IP ?? !! IP: IP:
same IP for NS1 and NS2?
I need to get? : which IP? which IP? can be equal ns1 and ns2?
too confused, because each site teaches in a different way, the site ofical hundreds forum web panel says that each site should put a different IP:
Add here your subdomains you want to use for nameservers and one IP for each nameserver eg. -> ->
and many sites say to put our own IP? and so long a ?? !! each VPS has only one IP !! vamo repeat ??
and those IPs that ofical forum inserts? IPs are random? created in the time of our imagination? !!
and because this service is stopped and does not accept that I start:
DNS Server BIND named is stopped
I use debian fedora and the many years with frequent use of the command line, installed PML + wordpress via ssh the terminal, the site was in the air, but without security and without any serivços mail. and saw that there were many inscripts and issues the same to operate without CP … then I heard that the web hostings panels already bring with auto installer with the necessary tools for security and mail services. I’m starting the CWP and hopefully understand it well.
I Nothing know about servers.
Sorry for that. I mean it is the IP of your VPS.
You don’t need to use CWP DNS manager if you are already using DigitalOcean NS
Thanks for replay, I already follow all your tutorial, but my messages do not arrive in any inbox, yahoo. gmail. hotmail. Zipmail deleto my droplet zero and start the installation of hundreds and CWP and follow his step .. that two IP you covered:
ns1.servermom.og ????? is the IP of the droplet (VPS)? ????? repeat the same IP ?!
It looks like you says to repeat the same IP-NS1 and NS2 but the official forum says to we use different IPs, but where we have 2 IPs for we configure ?! each VPS there is only one IP! I do not understand!
I already deleted my droplet several times, and made all clear, but so emails I receive and not send email!
Thank you for answering me Sawiyat 🙂
Yes. But I think bad use of managed digitalocean tables because have to do everything manually entering the codes, values all the typing. control panels selected a combobox and everything applies without errors!
love the managed tableas the CWP, loved the panel, but want to receive emails send email when I put: my IP droplet I repeat my IP drolplet
I can receive email. but not send!
That’s right I repeat the same IP-NS1 and NS2?
because the CWP forum indicates we use for different IPs? where we will have a second IP for us to use the NS2?
on forum:
– DNS Functions -> Edit nameservers IPs
Add here your subdomains you want to use for nameservers and one IP for each nameserver eg. -> ->
ever seen people using these IPs examples posts to teach the set! as all using the same IP ?!
so I can repeat my IP droplet in both fields and
Sawiyat . você disse para não quercermos de registrar os NS?!
“Now do not forget to register those two NameServers (NS) to your domain registrar. Consult directly to your domain registrar if you confused on how to set it up.”
você diz que temos que registrar esses acima?
pensei que só dominios precisariamos registrar! não pensei que precisavamos registrar dns: / ns2…..
Sawiyat .
you said not to forget to record the NS ?!
“Now do not forget to register those two NameServers (NS) to your domain registrar. Consult directly to your domain registrar if you confused on how to set it up.”
you say you have to register these up?
I thought we would need only domains registering! I did not think we needed to register dns: / ns2 …..
Did you mean: Que Inacreditavel! eu nao consigo enviar emails porque a digital ocean tranca por padrão a porta 25 usada pelo protocolco smtp, um absurdo isso nao ser avisado em uma frase simples no email automatico que eles enviam com o nosso primeiro login. sofri muito por 20 dias o tempo inteiro tantando enviar email, e eu precisava apenas abrir um ticket, sugeri a eles que avisassem as pessoas., eu somente ignorei a configuração de edit names server e criei ususario e email e pronto, nao fiz nada no campo edit names servers, pois ja tenho ns1 e ns2 la na digitalocean quando eu add domain no painel deles. eu ja tinha recriado meu droplet varias vezes pra começar novas configurações do zero, inclusive essa que deu certo e que nao dava antes. pois todo o problema era a digitalocean me trancando e eu nao sabia. Obrigado
What Unbelievable! I could not send emails because the digital ocean by default locks the door 25 protocolco used by SMTP, absurd it not be told in a single sentence in the automatic email that they send to our first login. I suffered a lot for 20 days all the time tantando send email, and I needed to just open a ticket, I suggested to them that people warned us. I just ignored the configuration server and edit names and email ususario created and ready, do not do anything in field edit names servers, as already have ns1 and ns2 it in digitalocean when I add domain in their panel. I already had my droplet recreated several times to start new zero settings, including the one that worked and gave not before. because the whole problem was the digitalocean locking me and I did not know. thanks
Hi Mom, Thanks Im using this now on my site, However im having problem with adding my main domain on it, I set up & with two different IP that is the requirement on 1and1 panel, the problem is when i try to add the “” on CWP it does not show or having trouble loading, but it was successfully added on CWP with the new user maid for it… but i add sub doamin like i had no issue at all… Do you have Idea on how to fix this?
I have a problem with this panel. I need to run a php script, execution time him are quite large.
In browser sho error(500):
Internal Server Error
In apache log(/usr/local/apache/logs/error):
Script timed out before returning headers: index.php
The values for:
max_input_time, max_execution_time
set great value – 999
I tried to correct the error, the value(Timeout) of the rules:
in file /usr/local/apache/conf/extra/httpd-default.conf
But it did not help.
Some time later, still an error: 500
How to increase the timeout.
Help me please.
Please see this – or you can simply turn safe mode off
Hi Mom
I have seen a lot of people confused (mainly on the forum but thy may have come from here) with the first instruction “Enter your current server IP or free unused IP”. This is NOT your public IP address. This is one that apache creates internally which probably starts . If you put in your public address you will find that all domains defaults to the CPW landing page. I know because it took me 8 hours to work out!! In fact the default address is probably the one you should use.
thanks for the tip Charlie
Ah, thanks Charlie. I put the public IP address. Now how do I find the Apache internal one again?
Nice article by the way Sawiyati!
bunda, bikin tutorial bikin subdomain di CWP donk.
saya coba berkali2 belum bisa2 juga nih.
makasih bun.
Ok. on my waiting list
I have been using my cwp for 6 months. I like it. But now I am thinking about hosting. I tried to set up a hosting package for a client. User was created and so also was the package. But my new user is not receiving an email with account info. I went to a website and used the contact us website to make sure that my email is configured properly. I received the email and that tells me that the server email is working okay. Any idea why the new user is not receiving the account info.?
Hi Mom…
I have create account and put static landing page also already pointing domain IP to cwp server but still can’t browse? What could be the mistake?
Fix user permission from root in CWP
hai mom, how to add www c name at centos web panel? because at this error say
WWW A Record ERROR: I could not get any A records for
(I only do a cache request, if you recently added a WWW A record, it might not show up here.)
i am trying to host site on CWP main Ip in place of CentOs default page. How can i do that ??
Delete the index.html page
So I have decided to create nameservers. but the message after creating nameservers says “applies only to NEW domains”. What about the old domains.?